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New Life: Words of God for Young Disciples
Andrew Murray
Brief Biography
Andrew Murray (1828-1917) was a minister, teacher, and missionary of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa. He was born in South Africa, being educated in Scotland and the Netherlands (where he was ordained), before returning to his home country for ministry in 1849. In 1862 he became moderator of the Dutch Reformed Church and fought for evangelical principles. After 1879 he was active in evangelism with tours of revival meetings which proved extremely successful. In addition to being a prolific author, Murray helped to found the Dutch Reformed missionary union in South Africa, as well as several schools and a prayer union. His social and political activism touched on education and race issues, even warning against the Nationalistic ideology that would later result in Apartheid.
Brief Description
A practical Bible study related to central topics of Christian faith and life.
Detail Description
This Bible study, written in 1885, discusses fundamental topics related to the Christian life, from the beginning of belief and salvation to a mature and developing faith, serving as a kind of simple manual designed “for young disciples who have but recently chosen the better part, and consequently need nothing so much as just to sit at the feet of Jesus and hear His word”.
In each of the 52 chapters, a passage of Scripture is briefly expounded, followed by a prayer and a series of lessons – these lessons are the equivalent of modern “study questions”, often providing practical guidance or suggestions for applying the scriptural teachings of the chapter.
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Inspirational & Devotional
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