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On the Worship of God - Catechism
John Owen
Brief Biography
John Owen (1616-1683) was an important theologian, minister, and advocate of the congregational form of church government in England. Educated at Oxford, he was a confessed Puritan, seeking reform in the established Church as a parish minister (1643-51). At first a presbyterian, he became an "Independent" congregationalist, or "Nonconformist", and rose in influence with the parliamentary rebellion of Cromwell, being appointed vice-chancellor of Oxford. After 1660, he continued to write and lead in support of nonconformity with the English Church as a congregational minister in London.
Brief Description
Catechism defining principles of congregational worship and polity.
Detail Description
The Catechism was published in 1667 in the midst of the spread of "Independent" congregations dissenting from the established Church. Eventually known as the Independents' Catechism, it explains "the constitution and ordinances of a Christian Church, and the duties incumbent on its office-bearers and members". It advocates a congregational mode of church polity at odds with the Church of England, and was attacked as Nonconformist and separatist. There are fifty-three questions, each followed by an answer, scripture references and explication.
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